
December 2, 2021

Supplier Spotlight: Joshua J Fine Jewelry

Forty years ago, Joshua Javaheri, president of Joshua J Fine Jewelry, became fascinated with the jewelry trade and design, and fell in love with diamonds while helping out at his family’s jewelry store. He joined the family business after high school and eight years later, ventured out and began his own business. Joshua attributes much of his success to a lot of hard work, making the right decisions, and remaining humble. Joshua J Fine Jewelry joined the AGS community because they believe that their membership is one way they can support the mission of ethical business practices and consumer protection.

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Singing the Blues

By Danielle Barber, Suna Bros. I’ve got a bad case of the winter blues. December heralds shorter days and longer nights. There’s a chill in the air and frost underfoot as planet earth tilts on its axis while twirling around the sun. But my kind of winter blues refers to two frosty-hued gemstones: blue zircon and tanzanite. December babies, celebrate! The last month on the calendar offers the largest birthstone selection, all of which happen to be in my favorite color…blue. Zircon offers an unexpected palette of cherry, amber, golden, green, and clear gems, but its electric blue is the

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