
Certified Sales Associate | September 2024

The following individuals have recently earned the prestigious designation of Certified Sales Associate (CSA) by the American Gem Society:

Alexander Carrion, CSABlue Marlin JewelryIslamorada, FL
Cory Goines, CSAOverstreet Jewelry, Inc.Bentonville, AR
Jonathon Herron, CSAJewelers Mutual GroupNeenah, WI
Joseph Hiebert, CSAHuntington Fine Jewelers, Inc.Shawnee, OK
Josh Jaeger, CSAJewelers Mutual GroupNeenah, WI
Anja K. Schweiger, CSANaifeh Fine Jewelry of Sun ValleySun Valley, ID
Dina Sip, CSABlue Marlin JewelryIslamorada, FL
Amanda Topic, CSAAshley Jewellers-GemologistsHamilton, ON, Canada
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