
Jewelry and the Colors of Spring!

By Amanda L Colborn
We’re finally reaching the threshold of spring! (Seriously…it really took its sweet time getting here.)
And in celebration of spring, we wanted to share with you the latest style and color trends of the season, so when you hit the beach — you’ll be the hottest one there!
Pantone recently released their Spring 2015 color scheme.  The Spring 2015 palette includes ten colors for the season in varying shades and hues.
Pantone says, “This season there is a move toward the cooler and softer side of the color spectrum. An eclectic, ethereal mix of understated brights, pale pastels and nature-like neutrals take center stage as designers draw from daydreams of simpler times. Remembrances of retro delights, folkloric and floral art, and the magical worlds of tropical landscapes restore a sense of well-being as we head into warmer months.”
We’d like to show you how these particular colors can pair with some really fine and luxurious jewelry options, let’s jump right in!
First up is Aquamarine, perfectly fitting as it is also the birthstone of March! A truly calming gemstone, we’re featuring this beautiful pendant from jeweler, Wimmer’s Diamonds.
Up next, a bright and beachy hue: Scuba Blue.  Scuba Blue pairs perfectly with this beautiful zircon and diamond ring from Suna Bros.
Pantone_Scuba Blue
Next is Lucite Green, a happy and sea foamy green color.  Lucite pairs perfectly with a mint tourmaline ring from Erica Courtney Jewelry.
There is nothing more calming and comforting than a Classic Blue hue, reminiscent of the ocean and a dream getaway.  This color pairs perfectly with a stunning sapphire ring from Jack Lewis Jewelers.
The Pantone color, Toasted Almond, reminds us more of rose gold than anything.  It is subdued but provides a comforting warmth, it also goes with just about everything! This morganite and rose gold ring from Yael Designs suits Toasted Almond perfectly!
What would spring be without a cheery pink for Easter? Pink is effortlessly classic and fun, it pairs perfectly with the pink morganite found in these earrings from AG Gems!
Next we have the Pantone color, Tangerine.  Tangerine looks just like an orange dreamsicle and it’s making us anxious for summer! Tangerine pairs perfectly with citrine, just like these earrings from Parlé Jewelry Design. Just make sure no one tries to eat them!
epf088c22ciSunny and sweet are two fitting words to describe both custard itself and the beautiful Pantone color, Custard. Bright and cheery and perfect for this time of year, Custard is the color of beautiful yellow diamonds. The yellow diamonds in these rings from Long’s Jewelers are perfectly fitting!
Pantone’s Color of the Year also made their spring color list, not that we mind, Marsala is a gorgeous and spicy color.  Reminding us of a night out on the town, grab your garnets because Marsala pairs perfectly!  Speaking of nights out, you’ll need a gorgeous cocktail ring like this from Omi Privé to make your night complete.
Lastly, we have Pantone’s Glacier Gray.  “Gray for spring,” you say?  What is so great about Glacier Gray is that it’s a neutral that will complement and enhance any of the previous colors you pair with it.  Just like beautiful colorless diamonds which go with everything and make colored gems pop! Just look how well this Hearts on Fire ring, featuring colorless diamonds, enhances the Classic Blue of this woman’s shirt — stunning!
And there we have the colors of Spring 2015 brought to you by Pantone, as well as it’s best jewelry for coordinating brought to you by all of us at the American Gem Society.  Stay warm out there and know that spring and all of its fabulous fashion trends are right around the corner. Better get shopping!