
May Birthstone

All About Birthstones: Emeralds

Before May is up, let’s take a close look at the beauty of emeralds with this video from American Gem Society member Bryan Aderhold, CG, from Nash James Enterprises LLC. Bryan is one of the industry’s foremost experts on emeralds. This video is fascinating, so be sure to share it with anyone you know who loves emeralds. Take a look at this emerald and diamond ring by Nash James. Click the image for a larger view.

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Emeralds and Diamonds: the perfect pair

By Donna Jolly, RJ When you roam the hallways of the American Gem Society, it’s not unusual to see members of the team staring at images of gorgeous jewelry on their desktop. We work in this industry because we are fans of shiny, pretty things! As jewelry lovers, we can be a little fickle, month to month, as to what our favorite gemstone is. Yes, we love diamonds. Quite a lot. Turns out, we love May’s birthstone quite a lot, too: the emerald. Pair an emerald and a diamond together, and we pretty much have a hard time finding the

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Emerald: May’s Birthstone

By Anna Samsonova, CGA, Ben Bridge Jewelers The Pantone Color of the Year is making a huge comeback! Often imitated, never duplicated. It’s a phrase that describes emeralds, May’s birthstone, very well. Since the beginning of time emeralds have been a hot commodity. Cleopatra is believed to have had a huge love and admiration for the gemstone, although most of her collection turned out to be peridot.  Roman Emperor Nero is believed to have had sunglasses made of emeralds, however this is unlikely due to their included and cloudy nature. Nero’s supposed sunglasses were a representation of the stone’s power.

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