By Donna Jolly, RJ
You may think this big, beautiful diamond in the ring below is a brown diamond. It is, but it’s so much more. This is a fancy, deep rich diamond with moderate orange accents.

Brown diamonds are beautiful, and they vary in their intensity of color and warmth. What adds to their beauty are the accents of different color. Brown diamonds—in fact, colored diamonds in general—usually have more flashes of colored light than colorless diamonds. Their accents can range from pink, red, orange to even green. It gives them depth and adds to their romantic allure.
They are also versatile, depending on the jewelry setting. The ring from Joshua J Fine Jewelry above is elegant and classic, while this gorgeous bangle from Dilamani is fun and modern:

Bryan Aderhold, CG, owner and president of Nash James Enterprises LLC, sells brown diamonds and is a fan of their warm beauty. “Brown is another one of nature’s wonderful hues,” says Bryan. “Brown diamonds prompt images of earthly matter such as trees, soil, falling leaves, and chocolate! When acting as a modifier for other colors such as pink, brown can help to produce some very interesting and desirable color combinations.”
To show how two brown diamonds can vary in look and in their appeal, check out these two stunning examples. The one on the left is a great example of a brown diamond with pinkish accents, and the one on the right is a fancy dark brown. Both are lovely; it boils down to a matter of preference. The one on the left would look terrific in a rose gold setting and the one on the right would rock a yellow gold setting.
To learn more about brown diamonds, and how they differ from their famous, colorless cousin, click this infographic created by AGS Laboratories. It’s filled with fun and exciting facts about diamonds, and further explains what makes them so rare and unique.

To find an American Gem Society jeweler near you who can help you find a brown diamond to add to your jewelry collection, click here. Please also ask your AGS jeweler to show you a diamond with the Colored Diamond Document from AGS Laboratories!